Monday, September 1, 2014

Maybe Someday

I have so many books to share I don't know where to start.  I think I will just go with the last book I read and then go from there. 

Actually this book is what inspired me to start this blog.  I have been just sharing my fav books on my personal facebook page for my friends but after reading this book, I thought I should blog about them!!  So here we are! 

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover was an incredible read.  I honestly haven't read anything like it. The story was different from all the others I have read, and the fact that it is "interactive" was incredible.  It made the reader feel like they were right there working on the songs with Ridge and Sydney.  I don't like to give away much of the story in a review.  I think the reader should be able to go into a story without knowing what the entire book is about before hand.  However, I will say that this book was beautifully written. You will FEEL what the characters are feeling.  You WILL have your heart ripped out and pieced back together.  I read this book in one day.  I could not put it down. It was absolutely incredible and 5 stars are no where near enough.

As of right now this is on sale for $2.99!!! I hope you love it as much as I did!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Welcome to my blog

So I have been reading romance books for some time now.  In the past few years I have jumped into the world of "indie authors" and I LOVE it.  I decided that its time I start a blog about all the books I have read and to also increase the interest  in the indie world.  I am new to this whole "blogger" thing so bear with me as I get accustomed to this side of things.  I am used to reading blogs not being the blogger!!!! 

I'll start with a bit about my self.  I am a 37 yr old wife and mother.  I have been married to my husband for 13 years.  I have a step-daughter who is about to turn 16 and we have a son turning 12 shortly.  I never really cared too much for reading.  I would take it or leave it.  There for a while I was really into Nicholas Sparks and Nora Roberts books.  But then 50 shades came out and opened up a whole new world for me.  I found the world of "indie authors" and I haven't stopped reading since.  Reading for me is an escape from the world around me.  It truly impresses me how these authors can put their souls out there in the written word for us to take in as our own.  It must take a tremendous amount of courage to put a piece of themselves out there for people to rip apart.  My intentions for this blog is not to critique books, I could never write a book so no way will I rip apart an authors work like some do.  My wish is just to share books that I thought were incredible so my friends and others may enjoy them as I have.  I always try to leave reviews for the books I read because I know how much it helps the authors.  I am always honest, even if its not my favorite book in the world.  I appreciate the work that goes into writing these books and its not my place to tell some one how to write their book.
With that being said, I hope you enjoy my blog and have some patience with me as I work to set this up and get all the kinks out!!!!
