Monday, September 1, 2014

Maybe Someday

I have so many books to share I don't know where to start.  I think I will just go with the last book I read and then go from there. 

Actually this book is what inspired me to start this blog.  I have been just sharing my fav books on my personal facebook page for my friends but after reading this book, I thought I should blog about them!!  So here we are! 

Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover was an incredible read.  I honestly haven't read anything like it. The story was different from all the others I have read, and the fact that it is "interactive" was incredible.  It made the reader feel like they were right there working on the songs with Ridge and Sydney.  I don't like to give away much of the story in a review.  I think the reader should be able to go into a story without knowing what the entire book is about before hand.  However, I will say that this book was beautifully written. You will FEEL what the characters are feeling.  You WILL have your heart ripped out and pieced back together.  I read this book in one day.  I could not put it down. It was absolutely incredible and 5 stars are no where near enough.

As of right now this is on sale for $2.99!!! I hope you love it as much as I did!

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